How Does a Digital Signage Advertising Network Work?

A digital signage network consists of a group of screens and projectors, used to share a message (image and video) with the audience. For example, a retail store with multiple screens to share the latest deals or services offered at the store with shoppers.
A digital signage advertising network on the other hand is a series of networked screens that can advertise different products and services with the opportunity to tap into an additional revenue stream.
How Digital Signage is Changing Brand Communication

Brand communication is the voice of your brand. It defines your relationship with your customers and how they respond to you. Done right, it even has the power to influence the purchasing decisions of your audience. If you’re evaluating your brand communication strategy right now, wondering if it could lead to more sales, the first thing you need to do is assess the channels you’re using.
What is Digital Signage and How Does it Work? Everything You Need to Know

What is digital signage? You’ve more than likely seen some form of “digital signage” throughout your life, even if you don’t exactly know what it means. In simple terms, it is any sort of digital screen that conveys information to inform, engage, and educate your audience.
How To Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly in 2022

Five years ago, going green would have given your company a competitive advantage. But in five years’ time, many companies’ survival may be reliant on the environmental decisions you make today. “Going green” can feel like a daunting task, but we have laid out 5 steps to get you started.
5 Ways Your Business Can Start Using Video Marketing in 2022

Video marketing can look intimidating. But you don’t need to hire a Hollywood film crew to make it work.
We explain 5 ways your business can start to use video marketing in 2022 to grow your organization, reach more customers, and strengthen your marketing campaigns.
How Digital Signage is Modernizing Hotel Stays

Picture this; your customer arrives at your hotel after a long day of traveling, their flight was delayed and they also missed a bus. For them, the worst part was always the lack of information; the flight boards were vague and unhelpful and the bus information was out of date. However, when they arrive at your […]
Four Tips for Effective Digital Signage

When it comes to digital signage, there are many considerations and one size certainly does not fit all. These pointers can help highlight potential pitfalls as you try to set yourself apart in an increasingly crowded and vital space.
What a difference customer experience can make

The brilliant marketing strategy included taking over a store in Santa Monica, redesigning the entire place to bring a high-end experience with outstanding décor, digital out of home advertising, gold details and close-to-perfection sales assistants. Shelves were then stocked with Payless products. Fashion influencers who attended the opening party paid $600 for regular Payless shoes that would usually cost […]
The power of digital out-of-home and Digital Signage

Friends, we’re living in unprecedented times. As we all sit and work at home, socially distancing ourselves while trying to ensure we’re all doing our part to help flatten the curve, it’s hard not to contemplate if what we do day to day has meaning and impact.Our world in April 2020 is a vastly different […]
Remote employee engagement

During this historic time, many are working from home or on furlough and are struggling with finding structure and helpful information each day. I, for one, find myself consumed by the news which makes it tough to focus on what feels like insignificant tasks. Like many, I’ve been documenting my days through a blog – […]