Choosing the Right Digital Signage Content for 2024

Choosing the Right Digital Signage Content for 2023

Moving into 2023, you may be asking yourself “How is my network looking?”. With the year well underway, your network’s viewing audiences are settling in, ready to be informed, entertained, and engaged with fresh content. So, let’s talk about why choosing the right kind of digital signage matters and what media is best to use to be effective.

Why Use Digital Signage Content?

As we’ve said before, how and what types of content are programmed should vary based on screen locations, intent of that screen, dwell time, and traffic patterns for the area where screens are placed. At Wovenmedia, we know that varied content choice is one of the most effective ways to help businesses drive customer satisfaction, thereby leveraging an increase in engagement and return visits, which ideally, can lead to increased revenue. All networks are not the same and what runs in retail will differ from what runs in healthcare or even automotive spaces. Being aware of your target demographic is key. Demographics drive content choice.

As a general rule, content needs to grab a viewer’s attention quickly, and hold it, ensuring retention impact. Whether it’s long form or short form content will depend on many factors including the average dwell time for a viewer in your spaces. At Wovenmedia, we curate content to offer both options within our library. When browsing content selections, it’s important to reflect on some key questions that will allow you to plan your programming strategies effectively:

  • Do you need seasonal content that updates regularly?
  • Are you driving sales or specific marketing efforts that could also be enhanced by categorical video?
  • What media is most likely to promote engagement and inform a viewer of something that they would find amusing, or applicable and helpful while in your space? After all, it’s not always about a “sell” – sometimes it’s just about keeping things light and entertaining.


Ready to Go Digital Signage Content

WovenContent’s carefully developed library of robust, rights-cleared, ready-to-use videos purposefully showcases content and offers playlists already curated for immediate use. From our short form WovenOriginals, produced fresh each month, to a multitude of categories of content that’s populated by over 150 media partnerships. We’ve got your needs for media covered. Come visit us and decide for yourself if WovenContent fits the bill for offering simple and effective content that can enhance your screen’s success.

Preview WovenOriginals Playlist

Written by Joellen Jacobs