Creating a Safe Experience in Retail Via Digital Signage

In consideration to the ongoing pandemic, people are now more than likely to pay attention to their everyday surroundings, in order to stay safe while maintaining their peace of mind. In this sense – as a business owner – it’s extremely important to think “Do I feel safe?” when putting yourself in anyone’s shoes. Therefore, creating a safe experience should officially become the main agenda for businesses/enterprises moving forward. Dive into this blog for several helpful tips on creating a safe experience in retail via digital signage.
Advancing social distancing
There’s no doubt that it makes sense – but is it naturally achievable to maintain six feet of distance between everyone at all times? Complying with social distancing rules via digital signage makes things much easier and engaging at the same time.
Branded digital signage content, for example, can get projected onto screens within stores/facilities that can make it easier for people to follow. After all, our brains process visuals about 60,000x faster compared to text!
Mask it up!
Building a seamless customer experience starts with understanding basic needs. Ask yourself, “Why do people already do business with your company?” – then, give them a reason(s) to continue down that path while maintaining a safe experience. Multiple businesses provide complimentary masks to customers, creating synergies between positive brand image and customers’ expectations.

Strengthen leadership
Store managers are invisible heroes at the moment, playing crucial roles to enhance and perfect the ideal customer experience in today’s day-and-age. Fine-tune your store managers’ leadership skills by having them primarily focus on training teams to work towards the greater good of health/safety guidelines.
Digital signage makes this possible as well, through engaging employee training content!
Extended return policy
The industry standard time for exchanges/returns usually lasts 30 days or so. Extending these periods can benefit both customers and brands. Some brands offer 8-12-month periods for exchanges/returns now, given there’s proof of purchase.
In this Post-Covid world, we must all come together in oneness and follow the proper guidelines to get businesses back up and running. Digital signage is one of the essential tools that can help achieve all this.
At Wovenmedia, we have 20-years of experience in this space and vow to help businesses – no matter the company size – create a SafeX for everyone!
Written by Vaidehi Purohit